Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I have a great husband.

Sure, he drives me nuts from time to time. I'm sure I drive him nuts FAR more often than he drives me nuts.

I just read an article in this month's Ensign (pronounced: N-Sign, not N-sun--that's pet peeve #3). The article was entitled "Granola Crumbs and Paint Cans." In the article, a woman describes her slight annoyance at her husband for leaving granola crumbs on the couch. She then looked around and saw that, as an artist, her messes were taking over the house, and he hadn't said a word about it.

I wish I could say that I don't get annoyed at my husband for leaving his plate by the couch, or for leaving empty pop cans around, or for folding his clothes after wearing them and placing them on the back of the couch.

It seems to me that the only time Christ really got annoyed at people was when there were "moneychangers" in the temple. (That would tick me off, too.) He didn't get annoyed when people spat at Him, made fun of Him, or called Him vile names. If we are striving to be more Christlike, perhaps I need to start with my patience for my husband's little quirks. Maybe then he'll be more tolerant of mine.

We're going to have to move soon. Our landlord is putting our house up for sale. We found out yesterday that he had scheduled an appraiser to come out today, so we were frantically cleaning the house. Instead of going to sleep when he got home from work, my husband stayed up and cleaned. I had a RS presidency meeting, and he stayed up and cleaned. When I got home, the house looked great. He's pretty amazing.

I love you, babe. Thanks for sticking with me--I'm not so sure than anyone else would have! :)


LivingstonClan said...

TLA--are you in 7th grade? J/k! :P I am sure you have heard the story about the lady who always got mad at her husband for leaving his socks in a ball by the side of the bed, and she was complaining to her grandma about it. Her grandmother told her to worry about the day there were no socks left by the bed, because her husband wasn't there anymore. (Died or whatever) That one has always stuck with me, and I try to remember it when I am frustrated with Mike's little things he does that drive me INSANE! I laughed when I read the part about folding his clothes up and putting them on the couch when he's taken them off. I have admired Gordon from the first time you brought him home, to the time he rubbed my back as I bawled at Grandpas funeral (since Mike wasn't there to comfort me) He IS a great guy--you are one lucky lady!

Bill Cobabe said...

You could move to Texas.... It's nice here... :-)

Yeah, you guys are great and you are both very blessed to have each other.

PS - are #s one and two "patriarticle" and/or "trianchula"? Just wondering...

I love you sis!

Bill and Valerie Cobabe said...

I have always liked Gordon, from the first time you brought him home. He must be a saint to put up with any Cobabe. And it is obvious that he loves you very much. If someone was going to marry my firstborn, I am glad it was Gordon. (As I am glad about the person each of my children chose to marry.)

You are blessed to have him, as he is to have you.

And Bill, much worse than patriarticle is nucular. If no other good thing comes from getting rid of Bush, losing that horribly misinformed pronunciation alone is worth the trouble. I could hardly keep from screaming each time he said it.
