Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Love, Love, Love

My mom told me to write happier here you go: :)

I went to dialysis yesterday and took Ian's iPod. He saved up all of his money for a little over a year and finally decided what he wanted to spend it on. He's had a lot of fun trying to find all of the little silly free apps you can get online. I played Tetris until my bloood pressure started going up because I was frustrated!

For one reason or another, I've missed all of the episodes of "Survivor" this season. I'm a "Survivor" junkie, so this has been difficult for me. I decided to look on iTunes to see if I could download episodes, and...sure can buy the entire season for $17.00. So I did. :) Yesterday while at dialysis I watched four episodes, and the time went by SO quickly! (I actually watched the fourth episode while driving home, but don't tell anyone...)

I love "Survivor." I actually love most reality TV shows. I guess you could call it my escape from reality. I love how "Survivor" is a microcosm of life--you make alliances with people, you betray people to get ahead, and sometimes the "villain" wins. It's an interesting show for me to watch, and my kids love it, too so we get to enjoy it together, which is fun.

Last night was "Lennon and McCartney" night on American Idol. Also very fun. Any Beatles song reminds me of my mom. It also reminds me of the trip we took to California one summer when we couldn't get any radio stations in and the only cassette tape we had was the Beatles. So guess what we listened to for at least four hours? Does anyone wonder why I know all of the lyrics to all of their songs? (At least their hits.)

I had a great trip to Utah last weekend. It was nice to be with my family--I've missed them while I've been sick. My grandpa, dad, uncle, brother-in-law, and husband were able to give me a priesthood blessing. My dad blessed me to know that my Heavenly Father loves me and that in His time my health would be restored. He also blessed me with patience...something that I've struggled with the last few months.

My grandpa told me a story that I didn't remember. He said that while I was sick with cancer, he and my grandma took me to visit my great-grandparents. After the visit, on the way home, my health declined quickly and my grandparents knew they needed to get me to a hospital. My grandpa said that at the time he wondered if it was worth it to keep fighting for my health when I was suffering and so sick. He said that when he looks back on that and then looks at where I am now--with a loving husband and two amazing kids--he knows it was worth every painful minute. I know it, too.

From this weekend, I've learned that:
1. I need to be patient
2. I have an amazing family
3. I have a Heavenly Father that loves me
4. I'll be all right--when the time is right

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