Friday, September 26, 2008

Dum da dum DUMB!

I officially hate the radiologist that did my biopsy. He sucks. (My dad always hated it when I used that word, but I'm going to anyway...sorry, dad.)

I had this biopsy done a couple of weeks ago on the mass in my kidney. It hurt like a mutha, and the only consolation I took in the entire painful event was that I would at least know what it was and what to do about it.

He (the radiologist) called a couple of days later to tell me that the results came back benign. (See my previous post...I already said this already...) Great, I thought. At least its not cancer.

Well...last week my urologist (Dr. name, huh?) called and left a voice mail that said that the biopsy was benign, but that the tissue sample was "inadequate." Whatever that means.

We played phone tag for the last week, and I finally heard from him yesterday. He said that the biopsy contained only muscle and fat tissue, but not ONE iota of kidney tissue--which was the reason we were doing the thing in the first place. ARGH!! I went through all of that for nothing.

Dr. Funk asked me if the biopsy was too big of a deal. I told him that it certainly wasn't pleasant.

Since we heard from him initially (the voice mail) Gordon and I had talked about my situation. We basically came to the conclusion that I'm going to be around for the next 20-40 years and do I really want to keep doing the whole wait and see thing for the rest of my life.

So...I talked to Dr. Funk about just taking it out. He said that that felt very reasonable to him, and, in fact, its exactly what he'd recommend to one of his family members. He thought my logic was, well, very logical.

I've already scheduled my surgery for December 16. This will give me Christmas break to recuperate. I'll need to take a week off after, but I'll miss as little as possible, which is good.

Well, I'm typing in the midst of mass chaos as we get ready for our homecoming game. Our football team hasn't won a game all year. Maybe we'll get lucky tonight. We were out practicing this afternoon and got caught in a HUGE downpour. We're all soaked, but happy. I love my job--I'm having the time of my life, and can't imagine being (or doing) anything else.

Love to all. :)


LivingstonClan said...

OK--so I just watched ER, and one of my favorites on there dies, so I was already emotional (I knw, I'm a DORK!) But reading this only makes me more weapy--JERK! ;) I am glad you are going to have it taken out (That's what we'll call it, IT) Sorry your D.A. Radiologist is well, a D.A., but maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I love you Sista, and you'd better be around for the next 20-40 years!

Michelle said...

Do you need my KIDNEY?? It's yours! Do you need me to come and play that week? Do you want to send your kids up here? Better yet, why not just come on up here and recuperate at my house? Christmas would be so fun! The doctors and hospitals are so much better...come on...come here!

Oh Babe COBABE said...

you guys are amazing... So glad we live close!!!