Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stormy Weather

Yesterday, as I was on my way to dialysis, I noticed storm clouds in the horizon.  I got a little excited, because I LOVE stormy days. 

Of course, while I was in my cubicle/fishbowl at dialysis I had no idea what was happening outside.  When I got off, I stepped outside into torrential rain and wind.  It was COLD!!  I shuffled to my car, which is about the best I can do right now, and was soaking wet by the time I got there.  I turned on the heater and tried to dry out by the time I got home.  No dice. 

By the way--the ride home was frustrating.  Why do people think they have to drive 30 miles under the speed limit just because it's raining?  GO already! :)

So my dialysis catheter keeps leaking from the insertion site.  (My chest)  It just trickles blood for about 30 seconds and then stops, but it's ruining my clothes.  Yesterday, the dialysis tech cleaned my site and in the process got my shirt sopping wet.  Then, when my catheter leaked, the blood just spread out all over.  It was really gross.  I looked like a newborn who had drooled blood all over their shirt.  Lovely.  As Courtnie said, "Luckily you were just coming home after!"  The doc says it's because it hasn't healed all the way and the only option we have is to get a new catheter.  Um...no.

I just ate breakfast and took my meds and they're starting to kick in.  The room starts to spin a bit and I get a little woozy.  Not a fan of side effects.  I need to make some phone calls today to get things set up.  Still haven't had an MRI or seen the neurologist.  I also need to get my HepB status from my doctor so I can tell the liver specialist at Mayo.  I just want everything lined up so that once Michelle is cleared, we're good to go. 

Happy stormy day, everyone! :)

1 comment:

LivingstonClan said...

lol--thanks for the laugh. Newborn drooling blood, great mental picture! And what's funny is that I was talking to you on your way TO dialysis about my crazy rainy weather...HA! Love you Amie.