Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Pinky Toe!!

Yesterday was an interesting day...

We were having a GREAT rehearsal outside when a storm came in.  Normally, I wouldn't move inside for a little storm, but we got a pretty close lightning strike, so I decided it was time.  (It was pretty funny to see all of the football players hit the deck when the lightning hit....)

We moved inside and had a great full band rehearsal.  Music is sounding really good, and my trumpets sounded strong, which is EXACTLY what we need for the music we're playing. (music from "The Mask of Zorro.")

I ended rehearsal at 5:00, and Gordon had ended football practice early, too, so we went to pick up our kids from the Primary bowling party at our local bowling alley.  They weren't quite ready to go, so we sat down in some chairs and waited. 

A friend walked by, and Gordon leaned back to talk to her.  While he was leaning back, my foot wandered over near his chair.  (wait for it...wait for it....)  When he got tired of leaning back, he leaned forward to put all 4 legs of the chair down, and one of the chair legs (with all of his weight) landed on my right foot. 

After screaming "OUCH!" pretty loudly, he removed the leg of the chair from my foot, which immediately started to swell and turn purple.  I sat there for a bit, trying to regain my composure.  Gordon apologized PROFUSELY, and I kept telling him to just be quiet.  A few minutes later, I tried to stand and walk, but it wasn't happening. 

Gordon carried me out of the bowling alley--"here comes the bride" style.  I was pretty embarrassed. 

We went to the ER, where I waited and waited and waited until they took me back for x-rays.  Meanwhile, I'm hurting and worried about what I'm going to do if it's can I drive, walk, cope? 

Turns out I broke my pinky toe.  Not much you can do for that.  They "buddy taped" my toes together and gave me a boot to walk in for the next couple of weeks just to stabilize things and make sure I don't re-injure it.  I look really cool, and it's SO easy to walk in! :)

So, I ask you...what's next? :)


LivingstonClan said...

If I've said it once, I've said it a THOUSAND times--KNOCK IT OFF!!! Seriously. And the least you could do is post some pictures for us to snicker at. (After we are done feeling back for you) Hope they gave you some nice drugs at least. Now you really need that golf cart someone mentioned last year...

Anonymous said...

so romantic...

at least he could carry you.


and that sucks. sorry.

MC said...

Honestly, as if you needed ANOTHER trip to the ER right now. So sorry that happened!

Dotted Owl Crafts said...

Seriously now... that's all you need. Dangit Gordon.