Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Joshie-Squashie

Today is my "little" brother, Josh's birthday. He's 29--the last year of youth.

Since he was only 10 when got married, I missed out on a lot of his growing-up time, and don't have a whole lot of memories of him as a young person. I do remember travelling to Roosevelt to watch him play football. He was (and continues to be) a great athlete. He is proof to me that you can overcome your genetic make-up when it comes to size and weight! :)

I also remember the few months when he came to live with my husband and I in Arizona. He was struggling with a lot of things, and just seemed unhappy. I remember very fondly the Sunday when he had what I can only call a "mighty change of heart." He worked out his issues with the Lord and became the man he is today.

When he returned from his mission, he found an AMAZING woman. I don't know if he tells her often enough how lucky he is to have her. I'm so grateful that they live close to us so that I can call her a good friend. Their kids are the cutest on the planet--I mean it!

Anyway--I'm glad they're here now. We have a few years together to make some great memories. One of them was last night when we went to dinner together. We went to Texas Roadhouse, and I "let it slip" that it was Josh's birthday. Towards the end of dinner, they brought out the saddle for the birthday boy to sit on. His face was priceless. My Blackberry phone camera can't capture it, but I tried.

Love you, bud. Happy Birthday! :)

Your "big" sister, Amie


Anonymous said...

awesome! I wish I was there!

LivingstonClan said...

That is so funny! When we were at Texas Roadhouse--they didn't have that saddle! That's awesome. P.S. Made me tear up a little--jerk!

One Giant Fall Forward said...

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! It was so much fun to go out to dinner with you guys and it made it so special for Josh to have family around!!!