Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I hate this family! :)

I know it's a day late, so please forgive me.

Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey...

You're my youngest sister, and you've gone from borrowing my clothes (well, that was mostly Michelle) to a great friend. I'm so glad that you've become the person you have. You have the patience of Job--really you do! I'm in awe of what you do with your kids every day. It would EXHAUST me!!

During the past few months, as we've dealt with a lot of extra-fun family drama, I have grown to appreciate you so much. I appreciate that I have a great friend to call and talk to when I'm feeling down.

I wish we lived closer, but if we did, we probably wouldn't see our husbands very often... Kohl's anyone? :)

Love you lots!
Your big sister

1 comment:

LivingstonClan said...

Aww--I guess I don't hate this family so much anymore! :P I am so glad we have grown to be friends--I truly count you as one of my greatest. And if we lived closer, my Kohl's bill would most definitely be even bigger! Thanx "BIG" sister. XO