Saturday, December 19, 2009

Angels Among Us

My mom called Thursday and asked if she could come and visit. DUH! :)

I asked how this is possible, as I know money is tight. She said that one of her co-workers is giving my mom her frequent flyer miles so that she can come and stay with me. She's coming at the end of next week and will spend a week at home with me while I recover. My kids and I are so excited to have her!

I'm so grateful. I'm 36 years old, but still need my mommy. This co-worker may never know how much this means to me. She is truly proof that angels live among us.


LivingstonClan said...

Holy Fruit--way to make me CRY! AGAIN! I was fully prepared to bawl to you this afternoon when I called, so it's probably better that you were busy. Love you lady!


Recovery will be speedy then. :-) Moms always make things better! Many hugs and prayers to you and your family. Love you!