Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming

Short blog entry today. I'm tired! :)

We went swimming today at Kassie's. I am so grateful for this, as it has given my kids the opportunity to get wet. My kids have been scared of the water, and it's mostly my fault as I haven't provided swimming lessons like a good mom would. :(

Today, Ian felt confident enough to do several "cannonballs" off the end of the pool, and Courtnie actually let go of the side of the pool. This doesn't sound like much, but it's huge for them. Even though it's rather humiliating for me to get in a swimsuit and go out in public, I'm willing to do it if it gets them going.

(Oh, and I have to put up with a little sunburn, too. Not fun. You'd think I'd know better!)

1 comment:

LivingstonClan said...

Do they have a pool big enough to do Cannon balls? Uhh--that's something you should tell those of us coming to visit in TWO WEEKS! :) Proud of your kids--and you for braving a swimsuit. I share the same aversion, although for OPPOSITE reasons.